Executive CTO Pricing

Optimize your business plans, workflow, and management with a support team
to help you reach your goals.
Our marketing solutions will elevate your brand, engage customers, & help you
Empowered with Simplifier, you’ve got all the tools you need to manage your
business. From invoicing customers, to scheduling employees.
New Website Built
Social Accounts Creation
1 Email Campaign per Week
1 SMS Campaign per Week
Access to Business Financing Options
Logo and Branding design
Promo Video fixed image graphics
Promotions & Referrals campaign
Social Advertising ads and images
Managed Social Campaigns
2 Email Campaigns per Week
2 SMS Blasts per Week
20 hrs Commercial Grade Video
Contact Follow Up Management
White Glove Experience
20 hrs Movie Grade Video
Advanced Marketing Plans
Contact List Growth Plan.
Appointment Setting
TV & Radio Options

Our Prices

STARTERMost Popular$449

  • 1 Year Simplifier subscription 
    up to 4 users
  • 40 hrs Web & Social Accounts
  • 1 Email Campaign per Week
  • 1 SMS Campaign per Week
  • Financing Options
Choose Plan

BOOTSTRAPPERMost Popular$839

  • 1 Year Simplifier subscription 
    up to 6 users
  • Everything in STARTER  plus
  • Promo Video fixed image graphics
  • Social Advertising ads and images
  • Logo and Branding design
  • Promotions & Referrals campaign
Choose Plan

GO GETTERMost Popular$1250

  • 1 Year Simplifier subscription 
    up to 8 users
  • Everything in BOOTSTRAPPER plus
  • 20 hrs Commercial Grade Video
  • Managed Social Campaigns
  • Contact Follow Up Management
  • 2 Email Campaigns per Week
  • 2 SMS Blasts per Week
Choose Plan

Learn more about our process

There are so many service businesses using a patchwork of online services just to get through the month. Executive CTO puts an end to the confusion. Get everything under one roof with Executive CTO. Stay organized, save time and make more money.